How the pandemic has affected head lice
The Pandemic’s Effect on Head Lice and What Parents Need to Know
By Dawn Mucci
Like everyone and everything, head lice have been impacted by the pandemic. With a decrease in social contact, with shutdowns, on-line learning, and the like, the incidence of head lice has plummeted. This sounds like great news for parents.
However, while cases have declined since the spring of 2020, they have also been more contained in family units and the cases we have seen over the past few months have often been more severe. Post-pandemic, with the welcome return of all things social, outbreaks will soon be on the rise.
Head lice are designed to survive. They’ve been a nuisance to humanity since the beginning of time. They are the second most communicable affliction next to the common cold in children. They are resistant to most over-the-counter products, they camouflage themselves in every color of hair, and they can take hours and days of work to eradicate. It’s therefore important that head lice get back in the minds of teachers, parents, and caregivers.
What is a parent or caregiver to do with this information? Quite simply:
- be proactive by learning the “Facts of Lice”
- plan your treatment protocol by exploring the safe and natural head lice care and product options that are available
- practice prevention
- start screening regularly
There are many head lice removal clinics and in-home services across Canada that offer head lice screening and removal services. Not only can they assist with the process and offer products to help the do-it-yourself people, they also educate and show you how it is done.
Not all head lice removal products are the same. Look for remedies that offer nontoxic and natural ways of removing head lice. Products with minerals, enzymes and essential oils are very effective in the reduction and removal process. Natural oil soaks combined with reduction combing are an excellent choice. Be careful with products containing synthetic or naturally occurring pesticides or harsh chemicals. Not only are these not a healthy choice for people, especially children, but they also have a negative impact on our planet.
Learn how to be proactive and prevent head lice in the first place. There is a great deal of information online about how to avoid getting head lice and what to do if you happen to get them. Just be sure to consult a reliable and trusted resource.
Click here to get your FREE Head Lice Help Kit and learn the Facts of Lice https://www.licesquad.com/resources/free-head-lice-help-kit/
Watch our latest video here on Rogers TV: https://youtu.be/vM54o4v7kdkhttps://youtu.be/vM54o4v7kdk
Dawn Mucci is Canada’s leading head lice expert and the founder of Lice Squad.com - a national head lice removal franchise system that has helped over two million people deal with head lice. She is a mother of three, and has been featured on numerous TV, Radio and publications sharing her knowledge and empowering women to be in business for themselves but not by themselves.